What is going on here?
A few years ago I decided to read the entire bible, starting with (ug, I thought), the Old Testament. But I had a mission. I've always felt that there was a great mystery regarding God, gods, extraterrestrials, angels, etc, and I wanted to see what I could make of it. Having long been a believer in UFO's, I was already acquainted with the Ancient Aliens Theory—the idea that the gods of old were actually extraterrestrials. A compelling case for this was made most recently by the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. But it's not a new theory. In 1970, author Erich von Däniken published his seminal work Chariots of the Gods, and although few were convinced back then, the theory has been gaining credibility ever since. Who could forget Arthur C. Clarke's opening scene of 2001: A Space Odyssey - The Dawn of Man with the monkeys and the monolith, which so eloquently portrayed this idea that extraterrestrials were the missing link. Although these ideas fascinated me, I felt I had to read the Old Testament myself before I could make a judgement.

The White Rabbit put on his spectacles. 'Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?' he asked. 'Begin at the beginning,' the King said gravely, 'and go on till you come to the end: then stop.'
Lewis Carol, Alice in Wonderland
My Journey Begins
Keeping the Ancient Aliens theory in mind, I cracked open a King James bible and resolved to slog through it, Old English and all. Having read a few passages in my youth, I expected it to be dry and boring. First up: Genesis, and the story of Adam and Eve, which had me immediately engaged over a puzzle I saw in the story. And by the time I'd finished the second book, Exodus? Goose bumps. The evidence was overwhelming: technology—highly advanced technology—was being used back then to produce those supernatural events. What was once a book I never wanted to read transformed before my eyes into a book of clues to an amazing truth: We are not alone, we have overseers! When I had finished the Old Testament, I was convinced that the Elohim, those who said Let us create man in our image were indeed extraterrestrials who had genetically engineered Adam and Eve and who had, furthermore, been responsible for all the supernatural events documented in the bible. I was also convinced that they were still here. With that my journey began, and over time I was compelled to write the articles on this web site. But, dear reader, before you conclude that I have reduced God to an alien race, let me throw a monkey wrench in the works: I've come to believe in pretty much everything Jesus spoke of—life after death, the kingdom of Heaven, and his mysterious Father. But how does that square with the idea of Ancient Aliens, you ask? Good question, I... oh my, would you look at the time! <<portions deleted!>>
<--Remember this?
"Something wonderful..."
Maybe you're on the same journey, and if so, you know how difficult it is to put all of the pieces together to see the bigger picture. There is much that remains hidden from us at this point, so whatever theories we form have to remain just that: theories, held in tension. But something interesting has arisen from this tension. Were I asked to summarize the most important thing I've come to believe in this quest so far, I might be tempted to reply "that UFO's and ET's are real". After all, if that's true—and I believe it is
—it's a hugely important truth. But what's even more important to me is this: I've come to believe with a certainty that our destiny, as humans beings, is more wonderful than any of us had ever dared imagine. I believe, more than ever before, that we are part of a divine Plan which, though it involves some temporary suffering in this world for the sake of our education, is followed by life hereafter in a kingdom which, by all reports, is a place of no pain, and very great joy—indeed such great joy that we may wonder
how we could have gotten
so lucky. I certainly didn't see that coming when I started this quest.
About these commentaries
As I read each verse in the scriptures, I always check that it makes sense in its context and follows naturally from the previous verse. If it doesn't, I re-read it until it does. If that doesn't help, I look at the original Hebrew or Greek to check the validity of the translation, and I also consult study bibles and many of the well-known bible commentaries, and I sit and contemplate. In some cases, this simple process has given rise to such startling insights, or such radical theories that I just have to write about them and seek comment from others. Two examples of this are
Adam and Eve and
The Passover Event. In other cases, I am inspired by an insight which, though not necessarily radical, is still somewhat unique and, I hope, interesting to contemplate, for example
The Coin in the Fish. In yet other cases, my research into some of the books that didn't make it into the bible has revealed fascinating information which, had these books been included in the bible, may have prevented some of the 'false doctrine' I think I see being taught in the mainstream today. My favorite example of this is
The Sodomites.
Emerging truths?
Despite the lofty title, I can't claim that my writings are
Emerging Truths, only that they feel like that to me, and I hope they will for you too. I hope that as you read these articles, you will, like me, become even more excited about exploring for yourself just what is going on here, who we are, who the ET's are, who the angels are, who our God is, and what our destiny may be in the world to come. Most of all, I hope you will share my excitement in the belief that we are involved in an adventure which is not only fascinating and mysterious, but one which, as we continue to fathom its mysteries, will continue to light our hearts with a sense of the joy that is yet to come.
Note: These older, Disqus-based comments are now read-only.